AFTER SALES We know and understand the importance of timely and skilled After Sales service.
Our extensive experience, as a HVAC system supplier, has provided us with a unique knowledge upon which we continuously seek to improve our services provided from around the world.
After Sales key services
- Customer Service
- Spare parts Sales
Supporting any delivered HI AIR KOREA product or system, insuring high performance and long life reliability for the user are our core competence. Based on an extensive service and operating experience with project database, we have a unique position to provide timely and effective service.
Please contact us for further information:

- Customer Service
- PIC : Jae young, Yoon
- E-mail : hiairas@hiairkorea.co.kr
- TEL : (+82) 55-340-5173

- SparePart
- PIC : Jung gu, Kim
- E-mail : spare@hiairkorea.co.kr
- TEL : (+82) 55-340-5182